Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Career Advice Roundup 5 Great Job Search Tips from the Web - FlexJobs

Career Advice Roundup 5 Great Job Search Tips from the Web - FlexJobsCareer Advice Roundup 5 Great Job Search Tips from the Web -3job search advice out there. So today, were rounding up five of the best job search tips weve seen in the past couple out on the interwebs. No matter what stage of your job search, or what types of jobs youre searching for, these tips are sure to help.1) To Find New Jobs Fast Set Up Email Alerts, from Job search websites, including, usually offer the opportunity for you to set up an account that offers email alerts. Whenever a job is posted that matches your pre-selected interests, youll receive an email. Email alerts are a fantastic job search tool because they allow you to find open positions the moment they are posted, and not days or weeks later. In this tough job market, the early bird most certainly gets the worm.2) To Make a Good Impression Dont be stupid on social media, from MSNBC Careers. According to a new survey from the U .K., 56 percent of employers check out job candidates on social networks. Whether youre currently employed or seeking a job (or both), make sure your Facebook and Twitter accounts are as private as can be, and be careful about checking that box on LinkedIn that tells people youre interested in connecting with people for career opportunities. Your current employer might not appreciate that.3) To Persevere in Your Job Search Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. This is the advice from Career Hub, an excellent site full of free advice from career experts. Like Dori in the movie, Finding Nemo, this mantra can help job seekers through some pretty difficult situations. How many times have you not heard back from potential employers? Or made it to the final interview round, only to be rejected? There are lots of ups and downs in a job search, so when you find yourself in the downs, remember, just keep swimming.4) To Bridge the eu-agrarpolitik in Your Resume Give the hiring manager somet hing else to focus on. According to WiseBread, many stay-at-home parents who return the workforce are focused too much on their experience gap and too little on fixing it. They recommend doing loads of research ahead of time so that you, Know the challenges of the position and everything else about the it so when you sit down in front of a hiring manager you can talk about the position better than the hiring manager can. Demonstrating why your experience is incredible has mora weight and relevancy than the fact that you were a stay-at-home mom. This way, the hiring manager focuses on your preparedness and in-depth knowledge rather than that gap.5) To Get Your Foot in the Door, Considering Freelancing. According to an article by Jessica Stillman on Gigaom, more companies are turning to freelance and contract professionals because of the flexibility that comes with hiring independent workers. Says Gene Zaino, an expert in independent working, Today most Fortune 500 companies have an a ctual position that manages their non-employee labor and in more and more companies theres much more publicity, much more education, much more awareness. Check out freelance job postings here.

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